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UTokens Contract


This contract is the token contract for Unstaked representative Tokens, pATOM, issued in Ethereum. It is a simple ERC20 based token, which acts as the representative token for the unbonded ATOM in the Cosmos chain. The minting logic for pATOM is governed from the TokenWrapper contract, by the Bridge (issuance of pATOM), the LiquidStaking contract (withdraw unbonded tokens), and the SToken contract (reward crediting). Following are the contract functions and function signatures. Not all functions are meant to be called by users as some conform to admins (default admins, bridge admins, pauser admins).

Function Selector Function Signature
485cc955 initialize(address,address)
40c10f19 mint(address,uint256)
9dc29fac burn(address,uint256)
e8cb7844 setSTokenContract(address)
58f8943e setLiquidStakingContract(address)
4e558127 setWrapperContract(address)
8456cb59 pause()
3f4ba83a unpause()


This contract is the token contract for Unstaked representative Tokens, pXPRT, issued in Ethereum. It is a simple ERC20 based token, which acts as the representative token for the unbonded XPRT in the Cosmos chain. The minting logic for pXPRT is governed from the TokenWrapper contract, by the Bridge (issuance of pXPRT), the LiquidStaking contract (withdraw unbonded tokens), and the SToken contract (reward crediting). Following are the contract functions and function signatures. Not all functions are meant to be called by users as some conform to admins (default admins, bridge admins, pauser admins).

Function Selector Function Signature
8f15b414 initialize(string,string,address,address)
cc964d08 upgradeVersionInitV2(string)
06fdde03 name()
40c10f19 mint(address,uint256)
9dc29fac burn(address,uint256)
e8cb7844 setSTokenContract(address)
58f8943e setLiquidStakingContract(address)
4e558127 setWrapperContract(address)
8456cb59 pause()
3f4ba83a unpause()
cad3be83 _beforeTokenTransfer(address,address,uint256)